Индало парк испания, Отзывы и оценки отеля

Индало парк испания

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Аэропорт: Аэропорт Жирона. Ориентир: Parc Francesc Macia. Ориентир: Marineland Catalunya. Номер размещение для двоих 1 Односпальная кровать. Бесплатный Wi-Fi. Для некурящих. Кондиционирование воздуха.

Индало парк испания

Собственная ванная комната. Проверить наличие. Полулюкс с видом на море 1 Кровать «queen-size». Вид на море. Бутик-люкс рядом с морем. Номер размещение для двоих, доступна дополнительная кровать 1 Двуспальная кровать и 1 Односпальная кровать. Номер с видом размещение для двоих, две кровати, доступна дополнительная кровать 1 Двуспальная кровать или 2 Односпальная кровать.

Номер с видом на горы размещение для двоих, две кровати 1 Двуспальная кровать или 2 Односпальная кровать. Двухместный номер с двуспальной кроватью или 2 односпальными кроватями 1 Двуспальная кровать или 2 Односпальная кровать.

Маленький люкс рядом с морем. Номер с двуспальной кроватью и панорамным видом 1 Двуспальная кровать или 2 Односпальная кровать. Двухместный номер с 1 кроватью или 2 отдельными кроватями, вид на горы 1 Двуспальная кровать или 2 Односпальная кровать. Двухместный номер с 1 кроватью или 2 отдельными кроватями, дополнительной кроватью и видом из окна 1 Двуспальная кровать или 2 Односпальная кровать.


Люкс рядом с морем. Скрыть типы номеров. Подлинные отзывы. Чистота 4,1. Удобства 4,1. Местоположение 4,1. Сервис 4,1. Verified traveler. Персонал не очень хорошо говорит по-французски, не слишком доступен на стойке регистрации, избегал там непригодной для питья сангрии, в нее добавляют гренадин и изжогу, большая афера по 15 евро за кувшин, коктейль плохого качества, столовая очень шумная, жаль, мы не будем продлевать опыт в этом отеле. Текст оригинала Перевод предоставлен Google.

The rooms were a good standard and clean. The hotel staff were friendly and helpful. But what made our stay so good was the enthusiasm and encouragement of the animation team. If you get involved, you live the games irrespective of how simple they may appear.

Also, entertainment every night! We will return! The Indalo Park hotel is very big and very busy during August. Check in was reasonably smooth although the reception staff lacked any friendly welcome which was a shame.

We paid for a corner suite and was allocated room with a corner balcony suite overlooking the pool and the sea.

Индало парк испания

The corner suites are the most expensive rooms on offer. The room itself was clean and modern although there is a strange glass viewing area from the main bedroom into the shower and toilet which makes travelling with a family interesting. They would have been better going with traditional doors for improved privacy. The air conditioning worked very well, if anything it was colder than what was displayed on the LCD screen. The shower was powerful and the toilet had some interesting features to keep your bits clean and dry!!

The entertainment at the hotel is very loud and very late. Starts early too. Five floors up this was still very loud and you would have no chance of avoiding on the lower floors.

The windows have very poor soundproofing and the noise is really intrusive. After two nights of noise past 1am we moved to room to escape the entertainment and also the noise of the hotel residents in the outside bar till the small hours.

On the other side of the hotel, the surrounding hotels are also blasting out very loud music meaning no escape until around 1am. You can then expect younger tourists shouting and behaving badly in the streets below until am meaning no restful nights sleep. Also the tourist coaches collect from the street below which are also very noisy.

After two weeks of disrupted sleep we were all shattered and looking forward to escaping the noise. Earplugs are a must!

The pool is ok, not very deep and pretty crowded.

Индало парк испания

Inflatables are not allowed. The sun loungers in the main pool area are mostly reserved via towels by 9am but there are no crazy sunbed wars here. The garden area is a bit more laid back and you can get a sunbed until around most days. The animation team do a good job in keeping the adults busy with various games. They are enthusiastic and loud staff members, they will go around to residents and ask them to get involved, which you may or may not like.

You can change the towels as often as you like. The food in the hotel is the main let down here.

Индало парк испания

The dining room was very busy and you are allocated a 7pm or 8pm evening dinner slot. But most of the residents seemingly wanted to be in the dining room at opening time Queues for food stations were large and slow. The food on offer at dinner time is bland, repetitive, lacks imagination or common sense. For example one evening burgers. This is a nice hotel with ok rooms, nice personel and clean facilities. Location is good in a nice street.

Close to the sea. Breakfast is overwhelming and there are lots of «pros» here. A few minor things have to be mentioned: - Poor wifi: for a family of five, with two teenagers, having poor connection to the wifi is a turn-off and source for arguments you dont want. It was fixed on day three when we had an evaluation-mail that i answered. Might be because we are guests in the heaviest touristseason, but still… But the real turn-off is the entertainment in the evenings.

Me and my family are probably not targetguests for this hotel - but anyone considering staying here should be warned.

2015июнь Санта Сусанна Индало Парк Танцы...

We have had four nights being bombed by loud music from to How loud? So loud we can not enjoy the lovely afternoons on the balcony. It is not possible to have a conversation with my wife. Shes actually walking around with airpods and noisecancellation activated. Inside the room, instead of outside in the lovely mediterranian breeze.

They are bombing us with noise here!! Of course; i understand i am the person in the wrong context here.

Индало парк испания

The other guests love it. Clapping their hands, sitting in their chairs down on the floor. Ordering some drinks and having the time of their lives. I will not take that from them. We have different taste and i am the one who didnt do a good enough background-check. I dont mind music. I would just have hoped they didnt play so bloody loud, with all this anoying screaming, for all these hours. I travel a lot and I know a lot of hotels everywhere in the world.

The management makes a lot of promises with their "happiness department" supposed to produce a quality service and respond immediately But these are only commercial words without effect. The customer service is a joke. What I tried to do, with approximate answers when there were You have to be resourceful to find information.

I sent an email to the "happiness department" following a concern experienced the morning of the first night in this place. To this day, still no response from happiness blabla Город разделен на две части: Старый город со знаменитыми шестью сторожевыми башнями, часовнями и замками, узкими улочками, которым не одно столетие, с мощеными камнем, хранящей духом старой Каталонии. Но лишь перейдешь шоссе — как открывается другой мир: мягкий нежный песок на берегу Средиземного моря, его чистая вода, бликующая лучиками солнца, красивые современные отели, улицы, состоящие из витрин магазинов, ресторанов и баров.

И много развлечений для туристов: прогулки на катере вдоль живописного берега, погружения с аквалангом, вкусные испанкие тапас и паэлья.

А ночью набережная и ждет любителей танцев и развлечений. Можно пойти на романтическую прогулку при луне под шум прибоя, или посидеть при свечах за ужином на пляже, когда прохладное вино гонить прочь все тревоги, или от души повеселиться в ночном клубе. Полезная информация:. Вы должны быть пользователем, чтобы оставить комментарий.

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