Istanbul to thessaloniki train, Из Стамбул в Салоники на поезде от € | railcc

Istanbul to thessaloniki train

As always, I am interested in texture and color. Магазин Metro Turizm. В планах - создание гостиницы на мест и региональных офисов организации Hellenic Railways.

I try to mix it up. What motivates you to photograph the streets? My interest in ordinary people and their lives. Is Street Photography an obsession? I think yes. Are you a lone shooter or do you like shooting with friends or a group? Are you an invisible photographer or visible? I like to communicate with people. I believe that photographer cannot be invisible. Each photographer sees his own particular way. We all get different photographic results, even if we all shoot the same place and in the same direction.

Favorite street photography city: Istanbul. What inspires your photography? Art, especially by Russian painters. I was a jazz musician in my past life. I love music. Sometimes I shoot while listening to music in my headphones. It is important what I listen to because the combination of the music and what I shoot is the process of my artistic expression.

Is there a philosophy, concept or aesthetic behind your compositions that you apply to your photos? What is your style? It takes others to see what the photographer saw. My reaction to my fotos is often much too critical, sometimes dismissing good shots.

I need to have a curator. I am interested in light and dark colors. For showing light we need dark. I experiment in colors, dark, light.

I always think about dark and light in my color compositions. How has it changed over time? I think like everyone, I took travel photos first. After that I realized that they were good but they were like postcards. You know, National Geographic-type.

I realized I had to go to next level. I then went to one town and stayed a long time whereas before, I stayed 1 day in each town like a mindless tourist. I extended it to days to a week. At first, I responded to anything exotic. For instance, if you come to Moscow, your first day would be spent at the obligatory Red Square.

Дешевые авиабилеты из Стамбула, Турция в Салоники, Греция

I consider myself now at 2 nd level. At first 2 weeks, then 2 months at a go. I am more interested in impression and not information. I call it art. What do you look for in a good photograph by others? What makes a color photograph look good? With colors, I like harmony and rich variation not many difirent colors, but many variation with lightness and saturation. Composition for me does not matter, because it is pseudo-science.

The important thing is feelings and emotions. How does color play a role in photography? Funny you should ask. When modern photographers look for colors they go to post production books to study histograms. This is the wrong way. The main idea in the book is to question the colors you find in museums. I mean, you need to study color through painters and history of art. Study the visual experience. After you have enough visual experience, your eyes can actually see what colors are in harmony and what not.

And what works with each other. Then you can use digital tools to help you. It is about the aesthetics of color. In my book I start off with psychology of perception. I write about saturation and perception of colors — blue works better in dark regions while yellow is better in light situations.

For example, I show how people normally see and perceive, from art to post production. I use language of the modern digital photographer to explain a complex language in simple photo language. I talk about this in my master class. How do you go about shooting a street photograph? I see. I look. If I find an interesting background, I wait for some people to walk into my frame.

But some times, I like to talk to people. For instance, last time I went out to shoot, I walked on the street and immediately spoke with people; to connect with them and to learn about their lives. While we were talking I noticed they had relaxed. Not passport photos. I am more interested in the art of the shot and not the classic street frames.

So my shots tend not to be classic street captures. I like to take impressionistic images. For instance, Vietnam before bedtime. Can you describe the entire process of photographing these photos, from preparation to when you pressed the shutter button? I took this picture in Colombo. It was the last day of my two-week trip to Sri Lanka. I just walked around the city with a camera in hand, and assumed the images would somehow make interesting photo-stories.

As always, I am interested in texture and color. So when I walked past the garbage, I took about ten shots, not counting on any one to make a good photograph.

But when I worked the Raw-files, I saw a good picture. It was interesting, not only in color, but the scene itself crows and cats.

Новый вокзал Салоников - New Thessaloniki Railway Station

In this photo below , what is interesting is not so much the picture but the story behind this woman. Her name is Kulipa. She is 80 years old and raised 11 children in the one-room apartment with total area of about 30 square meters.

Now her kids have grown up and gone to different cities and countries, but sometimes they come to visit their mother.

They come with their wives, husbands and children, so in this tiny apartment sometimes there are people. In this case, sleeping on the floor, one next to each other. Билет можно купить на вокзале в стране выезда, а иногда и в других странах. Путешествие из Софии в Стамбул прямым ночным поездом. Время в пути ежедневного поезда - 11 часов. Билеты на поезд начинаются от 29 евро.

Время отправления из Софии - , время прибытия в Стамбул - Купите билет на поезд на месте на вокзале Софии. Цена билета 19 евро плюс доплата 10 евро за 4-местный диван или 15 евро за 2-спальное место.

Отдельное спальное место для одного путешественника стоит 28 евро плюс доплата в размере 35 евро. Посреди ночи на границе нужно выйти из поезда со всем своим багажом, пропустить его через рентгеновский аппарат. Станция прибытия - Стамбул Халкалы, которая расположена в 25 км от исторического центра города. Доехать на пригородном поезде Мармарай в направлении центра города, до старого стамбульского вокзала Сиркеджи.

Эти пригородные поезда ходят каждые 15 минут со стоимостью билета менее 2 евро. Время в пути - 35 минут. Отсюда отправляются высокоскоростные поезда в Анкару. Сделайте ваше путешествие проще: купите единый проездной Interrail или Eurail вместо нескольких отдельных билетов на поезд. Сэкономьте деньги и время! У вас есть вопросы о маршруте Салоники - Стамбул?

Modern Orient Express 2: Istanbul - Thessaloniki, Nov 4-5

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Где купить билет на поезд Салоники — Стамбул? Пожалуйста, покажите мне варианты размещения в месте назначения на booking. On 5 June a fast container block train travelled from Nakhodka-Vostochnaya to Buslovskaya, spending 9 days, 20 hours and 58 minutes on the journey. On 4 April , the President of the Russian Railways announced the first demonstration run of the container block train on the Berlin-Tehran route in the framework of North- South transport corridor in August Container trains block trains with containers only.

Istanbul - Thessaloniki train

The following block trains are operated between European countries and Turkey: Между европейскими странами и Турцией курсируют следующие маршрутные поезда :. Organization of demonstration runs of container block trains and related developments Организация демонстрационных пробегов контейнерных маршрутных поездов и связанные с этим мероприятия. Transit trains block trains with origin and destination outside the country.

The following block trains will be organized between European countries and Turkey: Между европейскими странами и Турцией будут курсировать следующие маршрутные поезда :. Transit freight trains block trains with origin and destination outside the country. The following block trains will be operated between European countries and Turkey: Между странами Европы и Турцией будут курсировать следующие маршрутные поезда :. The following block trains are operated between the member countries of the Economic Cooperation Organization ECO and Turkey: Между странами- участницами Организации экономического сотрудничества ОЭС и Турцией курсируют следующие маршрутные поезда :.

Up to now runs of container block trains have been realized for import, and runs for export. До настоящего времени совершено рейсов контейнерных маршрутных поездов с импортными грузами и рейсов с экспортными грузами.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах предоставляются исключительно в лингвистических целях, т.